When asking about another person, it means they feel you blend well together, but they try to tone their feelings down and avoid extremes. Thats why moderation is needed when addressing passionate emotions, or else you might fall for your own bait and create a mood that is awkward at best. The situation doesnt call for impulse decision making, nor does it ask for being overly cautious. Grab your copy here. If youre single, youve been showing your hand too soon when it comes to your romantic interests and need to start playing things a little more coy. Its lack can lead us to react strongly to differences in political positions, race, religion, and even opinion. We also could relinquish the matter to God. Its about compromise, about making a genuine effort to end the conflict and wash past squabbles out with kindness. Patience is waiting calmly for a desired outcome. A personalized FREE Love Tarot Reading, combines your date of birth, your name and a point in time to give you an accurate reading. Over time, trust solidifies into a rock-solid foundation for a great relationship. They've learned from those failed relationships and all they want now is a peaceful connection. Temperance in reversed is a reflection of something that is out of balance and may be causing stress and anxiety. The person you asked the question about doesnt think you are a good match. Keep your place, observe, and interfere only when you must. Perhaps you are incompatible. Only time will tell if you can solve this dispute once and for all or if you must let it go. Closing old chapters and beginning anew. It can make you more emotional, more driven. 2022 Sibyl Tarot. The combination of the Fool and the Temperance in the Tarot can be interpreted as the naivety of the Fool mixed with the temperance necessary to avoid temptations. The angel's robe is simple but in the centre of the cloth lies a bold orange triangle within a square; this shows the Earth's connection to the holy trinity whilst the . Humility research has shown that when people are humble it acts as a social oil, oiling the operation of relationships. We could restrain ourselves by practicing tolerance, forbearance, minimization, or acceptance. The keyword here is effective. All things considered, the angel of Temperance is an archetype of benevolence. I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. Being pushy or rushing the relationship will not help you in the long run. In love readings, Temperance reversed represents an all-or-nothing attitude. Temperance is a reassuring sign because it means that one day, you will gain peace. Even though it can generally be interpreted as a positive tarot card, it's important to keep an eye on the surrounding circumstances and don't make any hasty decisions. This suit represents something supportive that is available to you -- whether it be health, some kind of talent, a material or financial resource. When reversed, Temperance means you are thought of as either too modest and timid or quite unreliable and temperamental. An angel stands, with one foot in the water and the other foot firmly planted on land. Reforging Glory. They will answer your calls when you need help and wont forget you. It ironically reflects the integrating of opposites that the Temperance card seeks to balance. While you navigate a situation, the spirits are on your side, helping you achieve the best possible outcome. It just means that they tend to rely on themselves, whether theyve been forced to early on or just by their own nature, and tend to express their emotions directly. This card is astrologically associated with Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. Temperance is one of the cards that can sometimes suggest that the person you are with, or will be with soon, is a soulmate. Really ask yourself why you may be upset, why the situation has occurred, and what you can do about it. Finding inner peace will enable you to make a huge difference to your exterior with minimum effort. MGT 321 Quiz 7 (Exam 2) 5.0 (2 reviews) Term. Alternatively, this card can reassure you that a situation is completely under control and all is working in harmony. A total of 2468 pupils from primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong were recruited as the sample for . If you are in a new relationship, Temperance as love outcome means smooth sailing ahead. With the Temperance card, this person perceives you to be someone who seems to always carry a calm exterior. Temperance is about feeling comfortable, healthy, and balanced. Whilst being understanding and passive is not ideal, being rash and offensive is also not optimal. You will achieve contentment in your love life and relationships. What you lack they have and vice versa; you complement each other. Four of Cups and Temperance This combination is a sign that you're ready to abandon the excesses in your life in order to pursue peace. Like the background in the card itself, aspects of nature, such as flowing water and much greenery, can be suggested. The Temperance card in the reverse wants us to not sacrifice long-term goals for short-term gain. Of course, you could make an effort, but think of the cup metaphor: if the other person doesnt want to empty their cup, you cannot serve more tea! Was it a toxic friendship group, where this offered a good opportunity for everyone to start over? It is our jumping-off point for committed civility. This has excellent potential if you are looking to begin a long-term relationship. You might say you dont have enough time or motivation for all that, right? A fire sign of optimism, freedom, and passion, they reflect the dedicated and resilient nature of Temperance. The orange triangle within the white square is spirit grounded in matter, the holiness of nature! Temperance is a highly spiritual card. The Temperance card indicates you are going to feel content and satisfied in ongoing daily routine life. Restore that balance to prevent it from impacting your physical and mental health. You will begin to feel much better! The Temperance card suggests moderation, balance, and frugality, warning that extremity in any situation is to be avoided. Receiving this card is always a positive sign for medical matters. In reference to a specific career, this card could suggest a stressful and high-risk environment. Have patience and work towards your goals. Think about whether you are either dwelling on past events or worrying over future events. You're going to be hit with a sense of having to create something soon, and you'll feel the need to dedicate yourself to it. The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed in Career, The Temperance Tarot Card as How Someone Thinks of You, Temperance Reversed as How Someone Thinks of You, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as a Situation, The Temperance Tarot Card as Intentions/What Someone Wants, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as Intentions/What Someone Wants. Friendships, family, romantic partnerships, and work partnerships all need your attention. You can seek the help of an understanding mentor or friend. Temperance encourages patience, moderation, compromise, and the middle way. The other is that you should assess the situation and see how well it is working with other areas of your life, such as your health. With only a focus on the short-term, there can be a lack mindset of easily giving up in the face of challenges or blockages. Dont rush to conclusions. In any current relationship that has recently suffered from disruptions, disagreements, or arguments, then rest assured that the Temperance cards carries a promise that the future will be positive. Focus on indulgences instead and you might find that you arent moving forward in a career or endeavor. Temperance can sometimes predict that youll make your home your nest through gardening and decoration. Patience, too, has had interventions created to promote it. I also love having my White Sound Machine and my Asakuki Diffuser running in my living room. Temperance people understand that everything unfolds as its meant to, that there is never any need to hurry things along. It also has a timer so that I doesnt run dry. This job is going to require the ability to organize and plan, as well as a large amount of patience. The second meaning, which is a more immediate form of moderation, is a control of our own inner emotions and desires. Temperance can represent a need for balance. Your person values moderation, balance, and compromise finding the middle path. The Four of Cups represents the human tendency to take things for granted. Express your feelings, push down the anger, state your case, and agree to disagree. Because if you make some time for yourself by sorting out which habits, routines, and people are fundamentally good for you, and realize that we cant just wait around for motivation to do all the necessary things in life, youd be astonished at how much a human being can achieve with ease. You might think this is about forgiveness, to either forgive or ask for it, but Temperance makes a quite different point. Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. Multiple demands may be placed upon you at this time, and as a result, your personal health or home environment may suffer. I asked what the outcome would be of this situation in terms of reconciling or not. There are many legitimate ways of handling injustices. You never know if the conversation could result in hearing pieces of information that could adjust your viewpoint. Ideal for readers who are just learning the interpretations. Where you live will be your sanctuary, and you will find comfort there. If youre in a relationship, drawing Temperance reversed indicates there have been numerous recent conflicts caused by an imbalance in your partnership. Augustine identified humility as the most important virtue. Temperance can be a perfect card to receive, as it predicts healing, contentment, and general happiness around the home. This wont be a drastic change, rather a small step towards something new and beneficial. Right now, I don't perceive it that way. Furthermore, Temperance reversed could signify imbalanced relationships or routines. You may possess a more fiery energy, and although this can be of benefit, it can also easily throw you off course from your goals. It would be hard to grow a relationship until both of you heal your unresolved issues. If Temperance is . Numerology of The Ace of Wands. Character strengths and training have a great impact on students' whole-person development. As intentions, the Temperance card shows that their intentions are to compromise or negotiate. If youre separated by distance, even though they love you, theyre not letting the distance get to them. What does Temperance Reversed mean in Conflict? They may want to try to make time for a new project or person in their schedule. Therefore, you have to work out how you can push past the same-old-same-old so that you can achieve better results. Temperance in a discouraging position can also mean that you avoid conflict to the point that it interferes with how you stick up for yourself. Are there issues with your workplaces or social environments that youre taking out on each other? There are two different interpretations of this card. Temperance reversed means that you fail to moderate your emotions and your temper. With Temperance, the wisdom to leave behind excessive behavior produces a material security without the obsession for big spending. All aces symbolise this. Whatever the situation, this has thrown you and your life off-balance. It makes you a person who hopefully is able to acknowledge that they need to take a rest and sort it out. The Temperance card is the fourteenth card of the Major Arcana. The vibe your relationship has is a loyal pair growing old gracefully together. Death Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More! Let's talk about love. It may seem generic, but ultimately dealing with just one small obstacle in the present and moving on will remove an enormous burden off your chest. These attributes establish trust. This relationship survives off the patience, moderation, empathy, and compassion that both of you contribute to the relationship. This person holds you in high esteem. hope, extraversion, resilience, and optimism. In this case, Temperance can mean that you will finally have control of your time, finances, and resources. There is trust and balance here. There is no pollution, corruption, or any man-made structures to be seen. Temperance Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings: Imbalance, self-indulgence, excess, clashing, lack of perspective, discord, antagonism, recklessness, hastiness General meaning and interpretation (Reversed) In a general context, Temperance reversed indicates imbalance or overindulgence. Maybe you are not getting what you truly deserve, and this leaves you disappointed. Question concerning Major Arcana Correlations. They are cautious and regulate their emotions, so as not to disappoint their initial excitement. The other cards in the spread can help provide insight into what area this imbalance is affecting. Dont waste your energy trying to change things that can only happen naturally. The Temperance Tarot Card Keywords Upright. They perform well under stressful situations. These are all keywords that can portray what exactly this person thinks of you. For a friendship reading, Temperance means you have friends who love, support and look out for you, whom you can trust to help you heal from trauma, or to kindly warn you when youre out of line. However, if you're quite happy with the way things currently are, all is likely well on the career and business front. You have lost the excitement and willingness to work or carry out your projects. We can give that gift even though the person who hurt us does not deserve it. Its those moments that remind us how fragile we are, how easily our inner world can be turned over. Or, it can even just be that your personalities dont mesh well together. Temperance reversed warns you that you are not being as patient as you should be. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. So, emotional forgiveness is replacing those negative unforgiving emotions with positive other-oriented ones like empathy, sympathy, compassion, or love for the person who offended us. Theyve learned from those failed relationships and all they want now is a peaceful connection. Re-establish that inner peace and balance, one that cannot be disturbed by everyday mishaps. However, you can only help people who want to get help. Temperance Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More. Temperance as intentions are positive. Temperance rewards doing the right thing, especially when it is difficult. E is for empathize with the person who hurt you so you can emotionally replace the negative unforgiving emotions with positive ones. Your strong feelings betrayed you! Universe has your back. Or, you arent going with the flow, and as a result, the universe seems to be flowing against you. What you are hoping for will slowly start to manifest and your life will be improved. The Temperance card indicates that you're able to avoid temptation and focus on the opportunities for growth around you. Christianity named three Christian virtues: faith (confidence in that which is not necessarily observable), hope (the motivation to persevere when things are hard), and love (willingness to value and not devalue others). In the Rider-Waite deck, the Temperance card shows a winged angel pouring liquid from one cup to another, its gender perhaps not immediately obvious but decidedly female. Yes, this person likes you as long as you do not bring any drama or negativity to their life. In the current polarized social climate, such moderation is often lacking.
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